Cotton can practically be used on any team. Subs are what make teams strong, you can be playing a very average leader and still clear very difficult content with it as long as you have powerful subs. Reason for this is a leader will usually only have 1 team with a few variants, but a sub can be used on many different teams. Spending MP on a sub is actually more worth than spending it on a leader, unless it was a very strong one like DAth was (DAth still a great sub). Cotton is a sub, one of the best in the game. I’ve heard the advice “Spend your MP on something that will let you clear harder content”, but Cotton is a bad leader.Ĭotton is actually a mediocre leader, capable of clearing Alt. My advice is waiting until the last day to buy her as Cotton is a possible roll from the DBDC REM. NA doesn’t have a really solid dark FUA, so dark cotton is great option there as well. If you need an FUA on your Gronia team, green Cotton is the only one that fits that slot (Sylvie is the only other dragon-type FUA, and her board creates the wrong colors).

For example, if your Riku team is lacking a blue dragon-type FUA, blue Cotton fits that slot perfectly. However because of Cotton’s sheer power, she is worth the 1million granted you have a use for her. 1million MP is very expensive, even with the free MP Gung-Ho has given us, many people have already spent it and/or don’t have enough REM cards to sell to boost that number to 1million. The other MP cards are either bad/outclassed, or just aren’t used much. Right now, the only cards worth purchasing from the MP shop are Odin Dragon, Rag Dragon, and Amen. I will go over the power of each colored evo when I get to the review section Being able to become a double 7c FUA and a great inherit base for any colored teams is incredibly powerful. Its a very short cooldown double orb convert, which is excellent, but she adds a no skyfall clause, and usually that’s not a good thing. Her low cooldown makes for an excellent inherit base, as her skill isn’t too good. That is only a small part of what makes Cotton so good and highly desired. I said it in the intro already, double 7c FUAs are extremely rare,(Kyo, Skuld, and Amatsu are the only ones that have it other than Cotton) and extremely powerful. Before we get into the actual Cotton review, lets answer some FAQs I’ve seen across the community. This means you have 5 options of double 7c FUAs, and unless you have saved up a lot of MP, you will most likely only be buying 1. Cotton was obviously NA’s most desired cards because not only is she cute, she is powerful with double 7c, FUA, unbindable, a low active skill to inherit over, and the ability to be any color. As you hopefully know by now, Cotton was the voted GFE that will be appearing in the MP shop next Tuesday.